Louis Mofsie is from the Hopi and Winnebago tribes. His father is from Second Mesa, Arizona and his mother is from Winnebago,  Nebraska.  Louis is a retired art teacher and taught for 35 years at the Meadowbrook Elementary School in East Meadow, New York.  He is a founding member of the American Indian Community House and served as the chairman of the board for over 15 years.  He is the current director of the Thunderbird American Indian Dancers a dance company he helped originate in 1963. As an artist he has illustrated 3 children's books, The Hopi  Way, Coyote Tales and  Folktales of the American Indian which was written by Dee Brown.  He has recorded two albums, Louis Mofsie Traditional American Indian Songs and Music and Dances And Songs of the American Indians.

Louis now spends much of his time now touring with the dance company which has performed all over the United States and in Japan and Israel.

Arts and Education

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Persian Dance

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